General Terms and Conditions (T&C)

1. Treatment and Consent: Only individuals who are suffering and actively seeking help will be treated. No one will be treated without their explicit consent. Babies and young children can also receive treatment, in which case, their guardians should make the request. Animals will not be treated.

2. Preliminary Consultations: Only individuals for whom Govinda receives an "inner" directive to treat will be treated. You can submit your concerns in writing and describe your situation in advance. In some cases, there may be a brief telephone conversation in advance. Govinda will inform you within 24 hours after the discussion whether he should treat you and, if so, schedule an appointment.

3. Conducting Sessions: Initial sessions should ideally take place in person. During this session, you will receive important explanations and learn what to focus on during the treatment. Home visits and hospital visits are possible. Follow-up sessions can be conducted online via video calls or WhatsApp if you prefer.

4. Karma and Responsibility: During and after a session, a significant amount of your karma and accumulated suffering will flow through Govinda Das to the spiritual world. We do not aim to free people from the consequences of their actions from this and past lives if they intend to continue doing shameful things. Be prepared, after the session, to firmly resolve not to harm any being, including yourself, consciously (Ahimsa). Those who are not willing to do so should not seek our assistance, and such individuals should not book a session.

5. Blessing and Commitments: Through the treatment, you will receive a significant blessing. Suffering will be alleviated, and to some extent, you will be freed from parts of your karma. In addition to an appropriate donation, you are expected to commit to following the Ten Commandments and the Four Principles of the Vaishnavas. In brief, these are:

  • Strive to find and serve God to the best of your ability.
  • Respect your father and mother.
  • Avoid killing, including animals.
  • Avoid illicit sexuality.
  • Avoid stealing.
  • Do not put anyone in trouble through lies.
  • Do not desire what belongs to someone else.
  • Avoid drugs and intoxicants.
  • Do not participate in gambling.

6. Release of Karma: Sri Gauranga (the beloved God) will absorb as much karma in one day as is revealed and appropriate, taking into account your capacity to bear it. Typically, this involves everything related to a specific set of issues. As your system finally has a "release," it is possible for another issue to surface a few days later, wanting to be recognized and therefore manifesting in your life. Therefore, it may happen that after a few days of improvement, similar or identical symptoms reappear. However, the underlying issue is usually a different one. In such cases, it is advisable to schedule another session promptly. After several sessions, you will have learned how to recognize and manage suffering and use the energy contained therein for your healing.

7. Healing After the Session: After a session, it is crucial to lie down promptly and allow your system to work and let everything flow. This is where the actual healing takes place. Lie down in the Shavasana position (Corpse Pose) by placing yourself on your bed, putting a pillow under your head, raising your legs, lying on your back, and covering yourself. Form the OM mudra with both hands (touching the thumb and index finger to form an "O," with the other three fingers extended); place your arms beside your body with palms facing down. Maintain this position for at least two hours. It is desireable to fall asleep during this time.

8. Feedback and Communication: Clients are requested to provide feedback immediately after the session or the following day, preferably in the form of a short video, a WhatsApp video message, or a text message. Clients agree that their feedback may be shown to others to encourage them to seek treatment. If you disagree with this, please inform Govinda during the session or in your feedback video. In the days following the session, Govinda will contact you to monitor your progress, plan any necessary additional steps, or convey a message from the spiritual world. It is important to stay in touch during this phase to ensure the success of the session.

9. Children and Family: Children reveal to their parents what they themselves do not want to see through their suffering. They have come to help us. First, an issue appears in our dreams and thoughts, then in our environment and conflicts, then as an illness. If it still goes unnoticed, our children become conspicuous or ill. At that point, we truly want to bring the issue to healing. Therefore, if a child is sick or exhibits noticeable symptoms, it is almost always related to an issue of at least one parent. Ideally, this parent should participate in the session or have a separate session. However, it is also possible to treat only the child.

10. Group and Family Sessions: Group and family sessions are highly effective and powerful. A symptom might only be seen in one member of a group. However the issue is often present in several group members. Therefore, it may be helpful to connect with each other by holding hands during the session and let the common issue be transformed.

11. Appropriate Donation: The amount of the donation should be proportionate to your problem and personal need. Consider the severity of your symptoms and how much they affect your life. How much would it be worth to you if the problem were to suddenly disappear? Also, consider that Govinda is not only occupied with your energy for a few hours but also absorbs and consciously transforms your energy for hours and days after the session. Consider the years of hard work required to grant him the ability to serve you in such a pleasant manner. Keep in mind that such blessings usually only go to selected spiritual seekers who have made significant sacrifices. However only an appropriate donation and the willingness to lead a decent life are expected of you.

12. Financial Options: Your financial situation and abilities should be taken into account when deciding on your donation. If you wish to give more than you can currently afford, consider the possibility of a standing order if it is acceptable to you.

13. Purpose of Donations: All voluntary donations you grant to the Sri-Gauranga association will be used for the spiritual revolution. Its goal is for humanity to awaken and understand the purpose of life, which is not about accumulating wealth and trying to enjoy life but rather to comprehend our true, eternal nature, to attain soul consciousness, to free ourselves from our karma, to leave behind our suffering and attachments, and to become pure servants of God. This enables us to break free from the eternal cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. Every individual has the opportunity to realize that they are pure bliss at their core. Isn't this an endeavor you would like to support? Wouldn't this solve all the problems that humanity currently faces?

14. Celebrating Success: When successes occur and you notice that a specific issue has dissipated, please inform Govinda Das. He rejoices in your progress just as you do. What could be more beautiful than celebrating achievements together? Your progress is important and demonstrates that the efforts have borne fruit.

Please read these T&C carefully and ensure that you understand and accept them before booking a session or proceeding.