The following are some philosophical foundations that will help you better understand what happens during a healing session.

Our being consists of body, mind, and soul. The soul is an eternally serving part of the Supreme Soul. The soul consits of Sat (truth/reality/eternity), Chit (pure consciousness), and Ananda (bliss).

Only a very few have ever had contact with the soul or the Supreme Soul. Most of what we perceive and feel operates on the level of the mind and body. This is also the true reason why we still suffer. The fact that we consist of pure bliss is not currently conscious to us.

Our soul and our subtle body (our mind) leave the physical body after death and are reborn in a new body after some time.

At birth, we forget our true nature as a soul and our connection to the Supreme Soul, and we identify with our body again.

This entangles us in the material world. We develop desires and attachments to people and things. We long to possess, enjoy, and control. Thus, we have developed greed, lust, anger, selfishness, and envy. Through reckless and thoughtless actions, we have caused suffering to others. So, we have caused suffering, in this life, but especially in past lives.

Every action has a reaction. This means that the suffering we have caused flows back to us.

The soul carries the mind from one life to another. The karma/suffering that is due to us is also stored in the mind. Therefore, we experience suffering in various forms until we understand it and turn away from such behavior.

Due to our karma, we are served exactly the family and life situation that is best suited for us to understand the consequences of our past misdeeds – even if we have long forgotten them (past lives). This means that, according to our karma, we are traumatized already in childhood and develop certain unconscious beliefs. These traumas and beliefs influence all our relationships, our behavior, and our decisions. They also determine what we project onto others, even the behavior of the people around us.

A person still dominated by karma cannot behave differently. Such people are not free. They also cannot really change their behavior. When they try, it is superficial and hypocritical. In truth, they want to follow their impulses and the impulses of fate.

All diseases, conflicts, and sufferings have a subtle, mental, karmic cause. It is like an invisible energy, a feeling, or a frequency that influences our lives. The reason, for example, why someone in our environment behaves unbearably is that there is karma in us, a repressed issue, a powerful painful energy that wants to be seen, accepted, and acknowledged.

However, we cannot easily allow and accept this feeling, this pain, this suffering. We try to repress it (blockages), escape from it (escapes, addictions), and ignore it (simply survive). We do not want to suffer, confront the pain, or see the issue. Our mind prevents this, the energy is blocked, and this causes the pain, the illness, the conflict, the suffering. All these hardened beliefs, unconscious convictions, blockages, and the pent-up suffering, we call it all karma.

Usually, it takes a very long time to learn from our mistakes, often one or more lifetimes. That is also the reason why we experience similar suffering in all relationships, over and over again. These issues pursue us in various forms throughout our lives.

So, it makes no sense at all to try to solve our problems externally, for example, by reproaching others. When the issue is resolved within you, it will no longer cause you any concerns externally.

Unfortunately, we lack the means and spiritual experience to do this correctly and thoroughly. How can I confront my suffering? How can I free this pent-up energy? Where can all this suffering go?

This is where Govinda Das can help you. During a healing session, his soul touches your soul. The pent-up suffering in your inner self and the mental blockages flow through him into the spiritual world. The karma that has caused you problems is "burned."

To dissolve karma itself, one must surrender to the Supreme Soul. For God, your blockages and your suffering are pure energy. Everything is Ananda, bliss, for Him. Only in Him does everything dissolve. Only with God's help can we be freed from the reactions to our actions.

To accomplish this, spiritual seekers use a person who has already achieved the goal, a person who has completely surrendered to the Supreme Soul. A person who has experiential knowledge of the soul and the Supreme Soul, has achieved constant soul consciousness, and has become an eternal servant of the personified Supreme Soul – a spiritual master. He can help you reconnect with the Supreme Soul and provide you with methods to progress on this path (Yoga).

To avoid being reborn, one must dissolve their karma to the extent that they achieve constant soul consciousness.

But we are not there yet. So far, we have spent our lives seeking happiness in this world. However, this world and its people are constantly changing. Seeking permanent happiness in an impermanent, always changing world is madness. Permanent happiness can only come from something eternal. Your soul consists of eternity and bliss. There you will find lasting happiness.

For you, it is important that you feel better, that you are relieved of your acute symptoms. When you see that it works, you may want to continue searching for the truth about yourself and learn how to use your suffering in the future to get closer to God. Your soul is already a small part of God.

Govinda Das can also help you with this by introducing you to his spiritual masters, who have already achieved the goal, enlightenment.

By the way, you do not only have bad karma. You were born as a human, in a safe country. You are much better off than many others. These are the consequences of your good deeds. Also, the fact that you now have the opportunity to be freed from some of your suffering without much effort and to learn more about yourself is a sign that you must have done many good deeds and helped others.