Trauma therapy on a spiritual level

Transform the cause of your suffering with the help of a siddha yogi.


All illnesses and conflicts have a subtle, unconscious, karmic cause.

The Siddha can perceive your topic and make it understandable to you. He will let the repressed karma into his heart and accept and transform the suffering for you. Your traumas will be released, and blockages removed.


You will feel deeply understood. Painful issues that have accompanied your family for generations will be removed. Your relationships with others will be relieved by the treatments.

Through the transformation of mental blockages, new healing energy can now flow to you from the realm of your soul. You will feel great relief and experience a deep connection with the divine.

This healing session not only saves you years of conventional psychotherapy, but also allows you to reach higher levels of your being.


  • Trauma Therapy – Understanding causes and bringing healing to where it is needed most
  • Karma Cleansing - Accepting and transforming accumulated suffering
  • Journey Through Your Akashic Records – Healing on the Destiny Plane
  • Kundalini Awakening - Cleansing from within
  • Samadhi Experience - Experience thoughtlessness and rebirth
  • Healing Satsang – group events


Govinda Das has gained certain mystical powers (siddhis) and healing abilities through intensive yoga practice (sadhana). He now makes them available to the general public.

Guided and taught by great masters, he has been on the path of yoga for over 20 years. His quest was fueled by excruciating physical and emotional pain that he was eventually able to completely transform. His painful life and dealing with his own shadows have allowed him to develop compassion and understanding for the suffering of others.


After studying philosophy in his youth and learning Tantra and Reiki, he was fortunate to be initiated into the sacred Kriya Yoga. He was allowed to listen to the lectures of the Vaishnavas from the Vedic scriptures, and was later initiated into the Bhakti Yoga path as well. Govinda Das was taught the principles of Hatha Yoga by an enlightened yogini and was privileged to learn the technique of Sun Yoga directly from its discoverer.

Through regular practice of certain secret yoga techniques, he was able to drastically accelerate his own evolution and permanently transform his karma. He has a variety of original healing techniques, all of which were revealed to him after a visit to the Palm Leaf Library in southern India. He has been able to help many people to overcome difficult complex issues and diesease